So anyway, left the cricket about 1pm to pop along to an award ceremony. I was asked if I would present an award at The Stroke Association's annual "Life After Stroke Awards". It recognises people who have had strokes and survived have rebuilt their lives. It was a fantastic afternoon and I met some incredible people. Makes you realise what real problems are really eh? Have a look at their website, you'll learn alot, I learnt a hell of alot yesterday. I, along with Gail Porter, presented an award to a brilliant lady called Nicola Harkin who had a stroke at the age of 22.
So, have a little look at their website if you get a minute. I also bumped into Dr Fox and celebrity friend, Nick Hewer from the Apprentice (remember him from this entry?!) Haha! I'm so showbiz now.
More later. Bed for me now. Not showbiz in the slightest. Don't worry, I haven't changed.
P.S. Just heard Westwood chatting to Zane from Glastonbury. One of the funniest phone calls I've ever heard. I will be playing this out on the show in the morning. AMAZING.